How Many Animals in the Serengeti?

How Many Animals in the Serengeti? No wonder, you’ve heard of the Serengeti. Maybe you’ve watched Surviving the Serengeti (2015) or any other film shot in it. Or you heard about it from a friend. Whatever the case, Serengeti is a majestic wildlife sanctuary in Tanzania. It’s famous for the Great Migration, the Big Five, and many wildlife.

The Serengeti has rich and diverse wildlife. And it’s important to know the figures of every animal. While there are more abundant animals, some are critically endangered, and few are not available. In this article, we’ll cover the figures of wildlife in the Serengeti.



The number of wildebeests in Serengeti is somewhere between 1.5 and 1.7 million wildebeests. Nearly 70% of wildebeests in Serengeti are migratory. They partake in animal migration—a world-famous event that occurs in the Serengeti Ecosystem.

Wildebeests usually stay in big herds. From December to February, they give birth to nearly 500,000 calves before the start of the wildebeest migration. Wondrously, a newly born wildebeest can take a step after just 3 minutes of birth. The whole group always protects calves from hungry predators.


Uniquely known for its black stripes, the zebra is another plain game in the Serengeti. Approximately 300,000 zebras exist in this mysterious park. Zebras are preyed on by several predators, including lions, leopards, and cheetahs.

Zebras usually follow their siblings (wildebeests) everywhere in the Serengeti. They have good sight and help to alarm wildebeests of any threat.


Elephants are the largest land animals. Serengeti has over 7,000 elephants. You’ll encounter elephant herds roaming the ‘endless plains’ of Serengeti. These grey giants also prefer woodlands.

Elephants usually stay in herds, which originate from a matriarchal ancestor. These giants may live together for up to 50 years. However, males leave the herd to find a herd to rule and spread the progeny.


Giraffes are among the herbivores commonly seen in Serengeti National Park. You can see their herds emerging from the woodlands. They are polite animals. And for this, Tanzania recognizes them as the national animal. You can see their images in Tanzanian notes.


Serengeti has large buffalo herds. These grazers usually dominate the grassy plains. Buffalos stay in big herds, counting up to 1,000 members. You can either see them grazing in the fields or resting, especially during the day.

Estimates put the number of buffalos up to 50,000. More often, you can see them grazing in the morning or evening. During the day, they travel to water sources to relieve thirst. Bulls often wallow in the mud and turn black.



The Serengeti has the highest lion population in Africa. There are between 3,000 and 4,000 lions dispersed in the vast plains of the Serengeti. Lions prefer various habitats ranging from plains to open woodlands. They live in groups, and prides, mainly comprising adult females, males, and cubs. It’s common to witness them hunting as a group.

Lions are territorial. And fun enough, they do not cross each other’s territory. Once they do, fights may occur and may be intensive. The famous one happened in March 2023—the king of the jungle, Bob Junior, was killed by two young lions.


Leopards are elusive. They spend much of their life in secrecy. And this makes it difficult to count them. However, estimates put leopards between 1,000 and are highly concentrated in the Seronera Valley. You have the best chance to see them on the banks of the Seronera River.

It may be tough to spot leopards during the day. They hide in trees, especially during sunny days. For better sightings, always watch on trees. They also come out in early mornings and late mornings for hunting and sometimes during the night.


Serengeti has around 550 cheetahs. These fast runners are abundant in the kopjes. It’s usual to spot cheetahs in the Moru and Simba Kopjes. Cheetahs rely on stealth and camouflage. After observing the prey very carefully, they ambush it and chase it until killing it.

Not all the time will a cheetah catch its prey despite its fastest speed. It usually fails when the prey runs into lush forests or areas with shrubs. Cheetahs live in small groups of up to three members. Groups are usually made of a mother and her cubs.

How Many Animals in the Serengeti?

Sites with high wildlife conc

The Serengeti is rich in wildlife. But sometimes wild animals are scattered around the park. This may be due to the search for pasture. In addition, wildebeest and other ungulates move seasonally to the north. Between July and August, they entered the Masai Mara.

However, the Seronera Area in the central Serengeti is always rich in wildlife throughout the country. Still, there is a good chance of seeing wildlife in the park.

When to see wildlife

Wildlife viewing is perfect during the dry season. Animals gather around a few water sources available. And there is short grass. So, you can view wildlife without obstruction.